What is the famous O-Shot?
After decades of frustration, finally, there is a means to improve orgasms for women! Representing a revolutionary, all-natural and surgery-free treatment, the O-Shot® aims to reduce women`s orgasmic dysfunction by using the body’s own resources with one straightforward and safe procedure.
How does it work?
Much like the renowned ‘vampire lift’ popularized by celebs, the concept is directed at the female genitalia. This pain-free procedure extracts platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from a woman’s blood, injecting it directly into selected areas in the vagina to stimulate the growth of new cells in the vaginal wall and clitoris thereby increasing blood flow and sensitivity to the area. The platelets stimulate new collagen, regenerate tissues, increase clitoral sensitivity alleviating uncomfortable and embarrassing stress urinary incontinence.
The procedure is conducted in the outpatient clinic and takes about 20-30 minutes. There is no recovery time and women usually report results within 2-4 weeks. The O-Shot® can rejuvenate and revitalize the vaginal and clitoral function, giving you considerably improved sensitivity and appreciably enhanced intimate life.
Over the years of carrying out numerous such treatments, the most common feedback is: “I got an O-Shot® and it changed my life!”
Is O-Shot® the right solution for YOU?
Ideal candidates for the O-Shot® are women of all ages who seek:
- Better and more frequent orgasms
- Improved intimate drive, arousal and libido
- Increased vaginal lubrication
- improved vaginal skin tightness
- Decreased urinary leakage
- Alleviation of painful intimate relations
Pleasurable intimacy is a fundamental part of well-balanced, healthy adult life. If you feel a lack of intimate drive, low libido, or painful intimate relations, the O-Shot® might be the right solution for you.